I am not a regular bidder on Dynadot expired domain name auctions. I have bid on just a handful of domain names there over the years. Because I have a bidding account though, I received an email from the company announcing that the ending time for its expiry auctions will be changing. Bidders who participate should take notice.
Here’s the information that was shared with me in an email announcing the time change:
“Thank you for participating in our expired auctions. Following customer feedback on our expired auctions, we have decided to streamline our Dynadot expired auction end times for a better user experience.
Starting August 26, 2019 0:00 UTC, auction end times will be between 9:00 PST to 13:30 PST. This will only impact new auctions, existing auction end times will not be modified. Please feel free to send any additional feedback to our team at info@dynadot.com.”