Justin Godfrey is well known in the domain investment space as an investor, broker, and web developer. He and his wife Katie were expecting twins in about a month, but the twins had another idea.
Noah Benjamin Godfrey was born on March 20th (4 lb 14 oz, 18.25″) and Madyson Lynn-Lavonne Godfrey was born two minutes later (4 lb 12 oz, 18″). The Godfrey babies were born at 33 weeks, which is about a month early for twins (single pregnancies go 40 weeks). The twins are doing well in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), and Katie is also doing well after giving birth.
You can see first photos of the twins on Justin’s public Facebook page: facebook.com/snowmobilers. I asked Justin if he and Katie have a baby registry, and they said in lieu of baby gifts, donations can be made to the non-profit www.projectnightnight.org.
I want to wish the Godfrey family good wishes and good health.