Tracking New gTLD Sales

Although I don’t think aftermarket sales prices is all that good of an indicator of how well a new gTLD extension is doing, I think the approach to tracking the new gTLD domain name aftermarket sales is pretty neat. has a page on its website tracking the aftermarket sales for new gTLD domain names in order of sales volume (by sale value).

When you visit the sale table, you can sort the results by value, volume, alphabetical order, or average price. You are also able to click on the TLD and drill down to see what sold and for what price. For instance, when you click on the .Club link, you can see the 11 domain names that were reported as sold in the aftermarket (all currently brokered by Sedo).

One issue with this table is that it does not yet include all publicly reported sales, and it probably doesn’t include a large percentage of private sales (as one could imagine). There are a number of gTLDs that have only one sale attributed, and I believe these numbers aren’t entirely accurate. For example, is listed at #87 on the DNJournal year to date sales report, but it is not listed within the table.

On a positive note, having a table that tracks results like this might encourage the new gTLD registries to report all sales, even if they aren’t “notable” in the financial sense. This leaderboard may create something of a competition where registries are proud to share results. will need to be vigilant about verifiying sales since it could be gamed and potentially used as a marketing tool.

As with all sales reports, domain investors need to look at them with a grain of salt since there may be people who benefit from reported sales.

I think it’s a neat way to track the aftermarket new gTLD sales though and down the road, it could be a useful tool to see what appears to be selling.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. While there are many private or NDA sales which are never reported, sometimes there are publicly reported sales which don’t seem to make sense. Many times I look at the list of reported Afternic sales and feel like I am looking at a list of expiring names rather than a list of premium names which sold for $XXXX. What is the review process to validate these sales? While I won’t bid $750 on a Namejet auction merely because of reported Afternic or other reported aftermarket sales, I wonder if such reports encourage more aggressive bidding for domain auctions than might otherwise be the case. It should still be noted that aftermarket sales are outliers – not the typical result for the typical domain listed for sale in domain marketplaces. Pubblicly-traded companies’ financial statements are subject to an audit by an external CPA firm to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. In this industry we have seen the HAlvarez scandal as well as reported cases of related-parties bidding on their friend’s auctions, shell companies set up to boost reported sales of new TLDs, etc. Perhaps given the growth of the industry it is time for some sort of domain sales report audit.

  2. I will add one more point – while it is one thing to see a low $XXXX sale of what appears to be a domain of so-so quality, if several months later one can see that an end user is actually using the domain then the sale can still be viewed as legit. On the other hand, sometimes there have been five-figure sales of domains which don’t seem to merit that sort of price tag and then six months or a year later all one sees is that the domain is owned by another investor. Those sales seem suspicious as though something else is going on behind the scenes and the reported sale was merely for the sake of inflating investor perception of that TLD.

    • Thanks… hopefully the operator of will see your comment. I figured that writing about it would make people more aware and hopefully be able to offer more accurate info.

    • Sedo is known for reporting the sales once the bidding is over. Then when the deal is not paid, it is too late to get the news back into the bag.

      Elliot, do you know someone seniour at Sedo so that the company stops this practice and does not confuse the markets? I have seen their unmaterialised sales reported on other sites, including, not only on

      It would be nice if these databases distinguish between:
      * sales to end-user (secondary markets)
      * sales from the registries (primary markets)
      * sales between domainers (secondary markets)
      * sales of drops and expired names (secondary markets)
      * …

      But I can imagine, sorting out 300000 sale records is too much to ask from Maybe they should think about some crowd/wiki style model.

    • It is possible to report new sales or correct the existing ones via the contact page. Many people do actually. Especially the brokerage houses willing to get into the league. Data is verified. manages dozens of sources, so it may take a while for all the sales to get in. But the major ones are getting into the database sooner or later. The service is determined to publish at least 100000 sales records (currently being checked) by the end of the summer. More news to come.

  3. “But that includes registry sales, premium and EAP sales.”

    I know I don’t care about those type of sales because they’re more early bird/initial registration sales. While technically a sale, it’s not the kind I think most domainers are interested in. Somebody with hopes and dreams overpaying early is pretty meaningless to me. I wish there were * or something next to them to help set them apart.

    Somebody buys one of these names, then resells it, those are the sales I’m interested in.


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