I just received the weekly sales report from Afternic, and the company closed over $460,000 in publicly reported sales last week. The highest value sale was DoubleYourBusiness.com for $22,500.
Interestingly, the highest value non .com sale was NewYorkNewYork.net, which sold for $5,400. As you may recall, NewYorkNewYork.com was subject to a legthy legal battle, in which the owner had to give up the domain name and pay over $100,000 in fines to the New York New York Casino in Las Vegas. I hope the new owner of the .net has other plans for this name.
Here are the top Afternic reported sales for the week:
doubleyourbusiness.com $22,500.00
fabo.com $15,000.00
vistausa.com $14,000.00
SeniorsLiving.com $12,000.00
successathome.com $10,000.00
tvonpc.com $9,000.00
persianworld.com $8,300.00
DryShampoo.com $8,000.00
happybags.com $6,932.00
amap.com $6,600.00
originalteile.com $6,488.00
FreedomCards.com $6,000.00
newyorknewyork.net $5,400.00
rungirlrun.com $5,000.00
whistleraccommodations.com $4,777.00
globalreferendum.com $4,688.00
dreambath.com $4,500.00
rallycall.com $4,500.00
mysoftwaresolutions.com $4,400.00
tothenines.com $4,288.00
kinderclinic.com $4,188.00
suphanburi.com $4,140.00
livinglean.com $4,000.00
transmute.com $4,000.00
creativedc.com $3,988.00
thehangman.com $3,988.00
fotons.com $3,800.00
experienceclient.com $3,788.00
sappeople.com $3,769.00
agricolo.com $3,700.00
viabank.com $3,688.00
destinationservice.com $3,591.00
takken.com $3,500.00
vertueux.com $3,500.00
eblogger.com $3,500.00
sophiesworld.com $3,500.00
sliceofnewyork.com $3,488.00
managementlink.com $3,388.00
stylegift.com $3,321.00
shiplogic.com $3,188.00
directfromnewyork.com $3,188.00
ecoforum.org $3,188.00
sweetsales.com $3,088.00
socialgravity.com $3,088.00
mcfr.com $3,000.00
bestvitamin.com $3,000.00
quality-assurance.com $3,000.00
carpetcleaningny.com $3,000.00
strength.net $3,000.00
marruecos.net $3,000.00
mediamagnate.com $2,988.00
epdesign.com $2,988.00
womx.com $2,959.00
automotiverecruiting.com $2,888.00
officedaily.com $2,888.00
uebersiedlung.com $2,879.00
x-perience.com $2,800.00
goingonholiday.com $2,799.00
happystudio.com $2,788.00
anonymousfeedback.com $2,788.00
seosystems.com $2,788.00
sewco.com $2,788.00
racional.net $2,788.00
sustainablelife.com $2,779.00
enjoytv.com $2,738.00
salesleadership.com $2,700.00
caviarstore.com $2,700.00
DashReport.com $2,695.00
ssfusa.com $2,688.00
presis.com $2,688.00
yorkpage.com $2,688.00
friendgame.com $2,588.00
growlite.com $2,588.00
macplaza.com $2,588.00
thepartypeople.com $2,500.00
vanitylicenseplates.com $2,500.00
wellbalance.com $2,500.00
homeeffects.com $2,500.00
chocolateroom.com $2,500.00
theranking.com $2,500.00
thefirefly.com $2,500.00
dubstep.net $2,500.00
sophielee.com $2,488.00
carincentives.com $2,488.00
takefive.org $2,488.00
integergroup.com $2,477.00
fiksu.com $2,444.20
mcmtelecom.com $2,400.00
cheapstudent.com $2,400.00
dowhatyoudo.com $2,388.00
inblack.com $2,388.00
roomsearch.net $2,388.00
parksoft.com $2,350.00
triennale.com $2,300.00
rainbowjewelry.com $2,241.00
playpolitics.com $2,200.00
clearmed.com $2,200.00
americanartisan.com $2,188.00
samthompson.com $2,188.00
jreynolds.com $2,160.00
lightofislam.com $2,100.00
catastrophicinsurance.com $2,100.00
platinumfinish.com $2,088.00
lovelights.com $2,088.00
buenacocina.com $2,088.00
chicgift.com $2,088.00
sizzlenewyork.com $2,088.00
tutorbuddies.com $2,059.00
youthfellowship.org $2,056.00
migrationpath.com $2,000.00
bestwayto.com $2,000.00
blingbeauty.com $2,000.00
fixedup.com $2,000.00
trilogysoftware.com $2,000.00
sidebike.com $2,000.00
dejame.com $2,000.00
winterfestival.com $2,000.00
orchidenergy.com $2,000.00
entuitive.com $2,000.00
accessasia.net $1,888.00
solutec.net $1,888.00
bioresource.org $1,700.00
buildlink.net $1,588.00
freedomainnames.net $1,500.00
chitosan.net $1,500.00
lasiksurgerycost.net $1,488.00
whistleraccommodation.net $1,488.00
healthtips.net $1,415.00
webmatrix.org $1,300.00
booknetwork.org $1,300.00
iranianmusic.org $1,288.00
learningexchange.org $1,288.00
preciousjewels.net $1,180.00
lasereyesurgeons.net $1,111.00
4front.net $1,100.00
maxforce.net $1,088.00
partyfood.net $1,088.00
digitune.net $1,088.00
I wouldn’t pay $5,000 for the entirety of the bottom 75% of that list.
Their support team is the best I have found so far. It’s also nice to deal with a platform and individuals that give equal attention and credence to both large and small sellers and domainers.
IMO, The top sale was a terrible deal. IMO, I think the domain platform scores top deals for less. Most of domains look like future blogs, or companies. I guess if you ask for more, you’ll get it.
IMO, Go Daddy has some gems in their auction. I acquired two .com at a fraction of the price. One domain is great. It only took a few dozen bids and some strategy to win. I can’t name the domain yet because there is still a grace period where the own can reclaim the domain. The owner owns many quality domains.
You never know what you’ll find until you look. I wanted one domain, which pointed me to the others. If I never wanted one domain, then I wouldn’t have found the other.
It appears more people are acquiring 4 character .com. MAAC.com also sold on their platform.
Thanks for sharing the results. Good connection on NewYorkNewYork.net to your past article. Good humor to add to the sale.
I understand this is to be a website about …
older women having Sex with younger men!
I have been trying to avoid looking at these lists because I always think – man, that is a bunch of money for some pretty stupid names…
Honestly though I am glad some rather interesting names sell for a lot just to give me some hope some of my brandables will come through
I would list your names on Afternic. At least when Sedo makes big sales, they are for names that are worth the money. IMO, the owner sets a high price at Buy Domains, and then an end-user lands on the page to pay whatever the amount the domain is listed at because they plan to brand the site and don’t research the value to better.
There are too many questionable sales. IMO, the buyer overpaid for the top sale above. You would think the domain has traffic, but it has none. I let better names drop. That top sale is a
domain that is 7 years old. However, (IMO), the price would be worth the money without ‘double’ in the name – YourBusiness.com. Ask more for your domains because you’ll probably get the price.
@ Clay
I agree with Jason.
There are lots of “bad” names I see sell all the time. Many people offer to sell me “bad” names I have no interest in buying. If you have your name listed at Sedo or Afternic, it’s likely that you’ll have a better chance selling it.
Hogwash on Afternic…I had a bank try to buy BankAlliancece.com $250.000 and and they went up even more, I would not sell it..According to Afternic who just just monoplied my Domain BankAlliance.com and said I could not sell it for more than $20.000… or it would notbe listed on there site…V3d.com and I know at bottom of the barrel it is worth $150.000 According to Afternic $20.000 was the buy now price the most I could sell it for ….Just like 911 its an inside job.