25% of my 2024 Purchases Are Noncoms

I was looking through my domain name acquisitions for 2024, and something caught my attention. Approximately 25% of my domain name acquisitions and registrations in 2024 were non .com domain names.

With just about a day and a half remaining in 2024, I have purchased approximately 400 domain names this past year. I purchased a little more than 100 non .com domain names. Very few of them were hand registrations.

I don’t have an easy way to calculate the % of spend on non .com domain names, but all 10 of the most expensive domain names I bought in 2024 were .coms. Those top 10 names alone account for nearly 80% of the amount I spent on domain name acquisitions. My guess my total spend for non .coms this year is less than 5%.

I took a quick look, and these are the non-.com extensions I bought this year:

  • .CO
  • .IO
  • .AI
  • .XYZ
  • .VC
  • .APP
  • .Dev

Despite this large percentage of non .com acquisitions compared to prior years, my portfolio is still primarily .com-focused. Less than 10% of my portfolio made up of non .com domain names. I consider these much more speculative investments for me.

I am only buying these domain names at expiry auction or hand registrations. In general, I am not seeking out non .com domain names privately. When I spend time doing outbound acquisitions, my focus is valuable .com domain names.

I still think exceptional .com domain names are still the most valuable and desirable domain name assets. They continue to be difficult to acquire, so I am willingly spending money on non .com domain names to supplement my portfolio.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I think I if you can find a one word domain in these tlds that’s great. I think the ones I shy away from the most are .Co and .XYZ and we are all wishing a few years ago we bought more .ai. I mean .Co domain scares me as most as people will end up typing .Com and go to that website. I ended up dropping most of my .Co domains. Good Luck!

  2. I’m definitely a dotcom guy but we did develop our first site with an alternate extension this year, as a test of some new integration tech. It’s a .Shop. We intentionally wanted to avoid confusion with the dotcom site. So far it is doing well!

  3. I purchased via auctions, closeouts, or offers about 500 domains.
    90%: com
    10%: .ai, .io, .org
    Probably my biggest investment in domains in any year.

    Wishing all domain investors much luck and success in 2025!

    • Not a fan. I own a total of 5, and I would say 4 of them are sort of defensive in nature if anything (for instance, DomainInvesting.net). The only one I would consider an investment is AllOut.net, which came with AllOut.com.

        • I don’t even look for those.

          I think startups are more interested in buying .CO than .net. But I am talking about buying one word .COs for under a few hundred $$$ and listing them for ~$5k.


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