Want to Support Chick-Fil-A? Warren Royal Can Help You


I’m not going to wade into the political and religious discussion behind the Chick-Fil-A news, but if you want to show your support for the fast food company, domain investor Warren Royal can help you with that.

Warren’s company, Royal Bobbles, has a line of Chick-Fil-A bobblehead dolls that can be purchased on Bobbleheads.com for $17.95. The regular price on the bobblehead is $22.95, but despite the increase in demand, the toy is on sale.

The bobbleheads have been available since well before the Chick-Fil-A controversy, but I am sure the news has caused sales to soar. There’s nothing like controversy to help sell product, and I am happy that Warren is the beneficiary of this.

You can read more about Warren Royal in an interview I did with him in October of 2008, just as his company was beginning to break out. Since then, he’s become more immersed in the bobbleheads business, and the company’s growth has been nothing short of fantastic.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Whyever you would want to even suggest a way to support that bigoted franchise is beyond me. I’m dismayed and dissapointed that you would even offer this up with your butt firmly planted on a political fence with clear indications of right and wrong for basic human rights. From a New Yorker, no less.

    I can understand not wanting to stir controversy but this is clearly a controversial issue and just by posting this you waded into those waters. It’s okay to take a side on this one, Elliot. One side is for fair, equal treatment of all humans regardless of their sexual orientation and the other side is for bigoted, religious fascism and intolerance.

    • Just for clarity, I have no opposition to gay marriage whatsoever. I also think the company management has rights to their own beliefs and if you don’t like them, don’t patronize the company.

      I have friends on both sides of this discourse. I have no interest in discussing it though since most people are set in their ways making discussion fruitless.

      I am happy for my friend Warren because I am sure the business he built from scratch is benefitting from this. I am also happy that my state allows people to get married regardless of the sex of their partner.

  2. Sorry to hear your friend has to make money off a bigoted company like Chick-Fil-A. When is the KKK bobble coming out?

    I don’t need to know every companies policies on marriage, foreign policy or religion but when a company owner comes out and makes it an issue then it becomes their problem.

  3. @Christopher @Jorden @Brad

    I support the cause and you guys are more extreme in your bashings than chic-fila ever has been. Just because someone doesn’t support gay marriage doesn’t make them a biggot.

  4. Amazon is for gay marriage – I will download their books
    Chick-fil-a is for traditional marriage – I will eat their sandwiches

    All the Chick-fil-a guy said is he is for traditional marriage. He never even mentioned homosexuals- I don’t think many people read the interview, and those that did probably read the edited version.

    I predict there will be many more tempests in teapots all the way up until the first of November.

    It is not the economy – it is Mitts tax returns
    It is not the economy – it is Mitts comments on British Olympic security
    It is not the economy – it is traditional marriage support by chicken sandwich purveyors

    Until then, let’s all argue on whether chicken sandwiches and bobbleheads are intolerable.

  5. Elliot posted a story about a friends venture, he didn’t take sides, people need to lighten up on him.

    On a side note I purchased two bobble heads from Warren and was 110% happy with the product and communication during the process, I highly recommend his services

      • LOL… no but that is a good idea 🙂

        I bought two, one was for friends who are mechanics, they custom made them together on one platform holding tools, a tire etc, very cool and very realistic features. The second was a gift for my wife a school teacher, holding books and an apple, again very good work.

        I must have exchange a dozen emails with the model builders and they took very good photos up close of each step asking for confirmation to continue or is there something I wanted changed or added, i was highly impressed with the process.

  6. Well said “Jack of all trades”

    There’s lots of accusations of “hatred” going around… I’ve only seen hatred from one side, and it wasn’t the side where a guy who owns a business said he was for traditional marriage (and employs gays, by the way). Just look at this thread, you can feel the hatred oozing out of Christopher in his post.

    The hatred and intolerance is only coming from the side of those who do not want people who disagree with them to be allowed to speak- or open a business.

    “Agree with us or GET OUT!”
    -The Tolerant Ones

  7. If you are really interested in the truth on this matter, and not all the hyperbole, listen to the words of Tammy Bruce, gay activist, and feminist, who worked on the campaigns of Boxer, Feinstein, and the Clintons, from a TV interview today (8/4/12):

    Q: How do you think the gay community handled the “kiss-in”, and was it effective?

    “It’s a little embarrasing – as a gay woman, I disagree a bit with Mr. Cathey’s statements, but I admire him and his company – and I think it really exposes the lack of awareness in the gay community. The gay rights movement was started to combat intolerance and the idea that a certain majority wanted to enforce on the gay community a certain type of behavior – and here we are in the 21st century with that same kind of behavior now being exhibiting by the liberal gay community certainly. But there are many of us that are embarrased by that – and it also exposes the fact that there is a realization that they can’t win on the arguments, on the merits on the arguments, that it seems like a bid for attention, more than anything else, and frankly it was somewhat sad.

    Q; Is it more about freedom of speech, or Americans being against gay marriage?

    A: Well, look, it ended up being about freedom of speech, didn’t it? Originally it was started by Mr. Huckabee, of course, but there were many of us who believe that whether it is civil unions, or whatever you want to call it, I believe that every American deserves the right of every other American. But that also goes to the notion of freedom of expression. It was quite shocking, I think to many people to have such a blatant effort made to punish an individual and his company, a family-owned company, simply because they might disagree on a political issue. But remember, that Mr. Cathey’s position wasn’t about being against gay people, it was about being for traditional marriage, and reinforcing his view of the family, which is in large part what has made this country great, so for all of us, whether we be gay or straight, we have really benefitted from that value system. Frankly, I saw a lot of gays distancing themselves from what was happening yesterday. I think many of them understand this issue, and [for the others] at the very least they should brush up on their Orwell, they should read a little more “Animal Farm”.”

  8. I also believe that they can run their business any way they like. I believe they can hold any belief system they choose. I also believe in the freedom of speech that allows me to tell them they are bigoted dinosaurs whose antediluvian thoughts become more laughable with every successive generation. If you don’t think gays should be allowed to marry then good for you, grandpa. You and your idea that being different is wrong and scary will be dead soon. I don’t say it out of hatred. I’m just glad these ideas don’t live forever. Maybe you are old enough to remember what people the majority thought of Germans or Japanese or black people. It’s not like that anymore…things change and evolve (maybe you don’t believe in that either) usually towards the more liberal and tolerant ideas.

    • Christopher, you do realize when you use the term antediluvian you refer to a time between creation and the flood…a flood that occured ironically enough because of the worlds wickedness. So enjoy your liberal and tolerant lifestyle, it is not I you offend.

    • @Christopher

      “You and your idea that being different is wrong and scary will be dead soon.”

      Sounds like a threat to me!

      And being a homosexual is NOT a race and should never be placed in the same category.

  9. Christopher-
    You would do well to study and understand the Animal Farm reference above. It is spookily relevent to your comments.

  10. read the comment…read the book

    speaking of Orwell, you may want to read 1984 esp. paying attention to Doublespeak…”Mr. Cathey’s position wasn’t about being against gay people, it was about being for traditional marriage, and reinforcing his view of the family”

    whatever…if it amounts to a double standard then it’s not cool.

    now, I suppose ‘traditional marriage’ is that which is dictated by the bible…since when does the bible dictate the laws of the land?

  11. “now, I suppose ‘traditional marriage’ is that which is dictated by the bible…since when does the bible dictate the laws of the land?”

    I suppose you are also anti Judaism, I mean if the bible is just a bunch of stories then the laws that practicing Jews follow is ridiculous as well, right? Have you ever had a conversation with a Jew in which you said “WOW” you believe that Torah stuff, your a crazy biggot. I would think and hope not but keep that in mind when you take aim at Christian beliefs.

  12. My in-laws are Jewish but fortunately they are secular so I don’t have to have that talk with them. Btw I do say “wow” whenever I hear crazy garbage that flies in the face of rationalism. This argument will go nowhere because faith and reason are completely incompatible. Let’s agree to disagree and move on.

  13. Now the bible and the Torah are crazy garbage, remember have to include the Torah too, dont discriminate lol

    I am happy to move on Christopher, I agree this will not have a true end.

    Take care


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