I sold a domain name last week and Escrow.com instructed me to transfer the domain name to the buyer. Because the buyer wanted to keep the domain name at GoDaddy, he sent me his account number and the associated email address. When I went to do an account change, I was shown the following error message:
“The recipient’s contact information can’t be used to register the selected domains.”
Concerned, I reached out to GoDaddy support and was told that this error means the receiving account does not have the necessary contact information in order to push the domain name into the account.
To resolve this error, I reached out to the buyer and told him he needed to update his account profile to ensure it had his name, address, phone number, email address, and other required information. Once he did this, I tried to do the account change again and was successful.
Unfortunately, the error message is not very helpful. Fortunately, though, the fix is pretty easy and should not take much time to complete.