For quite some time, when you did a Whois lookup using DomainTools, you had the ability to click a little flag icon to monitor the domain name you were looking up. You could monitor for Whois changes, Nameserver changes, Registration changes, and maybe a few other things. Recently, I tried to monitor a domain name, and I couldn’t find the flag icon.
After a bit of searching this morning, I was able to find the URL to monitor domain names on DomainTools. You do need to have an account to monitor domain names, but it’s part of the package for Silver members.
I have been monitoring a wide variety of domain names, although my list hadn’t been updated in a while. I also keep an eye on domain names I own in addition to names I would like to own.
This is a handy tool that I am happy to learn has not been removed from DomainTools. I just wish they would move it back to the standard Whois lookup console to make it easier – allowing me to monitor domain names on the fly rather than having to go to a separate URL.
Thanks for the insight. I am currently watching few domains which I would like to grab. I was doing it manually all this time.
THANK YOU for bringing this up.
I have been missing this feature for a long time. I love the domain monitoring and I have hundreds being monitored from that link above.
I get emails when domain info changes.
I am no a silver member but at one time they had this for free, so I still get emails from domains on my list. When a domain has a change that had my email etc, I get an email (EI I drop a domain I no longer want.)
Do you have an idea how it’s possible to monitor sold domains every day? I mean, all sold domains through every registrar/etc daily?
Is there a tool for it?