I Miss DotWeekly

There have been a number of domain industry blogs that have come onto the scene and disappeared shortly there after. I seem them one day on Domaining.com, and a few months later, the blog is nowhere to be found. Writing a blog regularly isn’t all that easy, so who can blame people when the pack it in and decide not to write any longer.

Jamie Zoch wrote the DotWeekly blog for quite a while. He had a unique insight, and you could regularly count on Jamie to write something interesting or thought provoking. He was always looking into registration patterns and things he found to be interesting, and quite often, I found those things interesting, too.

It seemed like he wrote his blog because he enjoyed it rather than as a means to earn income. Of course, when you’re spending a great deal of time blogging, you should have something to show for it, especially if it comes at the expense of spending time with family or working on other projects.

In any case, I miss reading Jamie’s insights, and I hope he returns to blogging.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Maybe he got a COUPLE more kids and he got a new job too.

    Yea, I like his approach and insight on domaining, always different NOT LIKE those who just cut and paste and whinn and whinn..

  2. Jamie is a good writer and I enjoy his domain blog as well. It has been a month since his last post but something tells me he will continue blogging, at his own pace.

  3. Maybe DotWeekly is going to switch to DotMonthly rather than write about domains on a daily basis. Most of the domain blogs are biters.

    One will break the story, and then another blog will give credit that person. You end up reading the same story 20 times in a day. In that particular day, you gain insight on one tips and or idea.

    The domain news is boring. If domain blogs indicate they are all about domain investing, visitors assume the content will provide them tips.

    How many domain blogs actually teach domain investors. Not many are even worth the time to read. Some serve the top 1 percent group.

    In any case, this domain blog is helpful. It is one of the rare blogs that give back to the domain community. Domain Shane is another good domain blog too. You can expect to read domain tips, how to sell, what to and what not buy, and what junk sells on domain platforms (IMO).

    Based on domainers listing bad domains in the comment section, it seems they lack insight – whether the teacher is missing the mark or the apprentice is refusing to listen.

  4. Repost (minor revision)

    Maybe DotWeekly is going to switch to DotMonthly rather than write about domains on a daily basis. Most of the domain blogs are biters.

    One will break the story, and then another blog will give credit to that person. You end up reading the same story 20 times in a day. In that particular day, you gain insight on one tip and or idea.

    The domain news is boring. If domain blogs indicate they are all about domain investing, visitors assume the content will provide them tips.

    How many domain blogs actually teach domain investors? Not many domain blogs are even worth the time to read. Some serve only the top 1 percent group.

    In any case, this domain blog is helpful. It is one of the rare blogs that give back to the domain community. Domain Shane is another good domain blog too. You can expect to read domain tips, how to sell, what to and what not buy, and what junk sells on domain platforms (IMO).

    Based on domainers listing bad domains in the comment section, it seems they lack insight – whether the teacher is missing the mark or the apprentice is refusing to listen. Thanks.

  5. Went to Domaing.com for the first time after reading this post—-um….Elliot—–did you really go to Paris? —-cause there’s a nice photo of you next to the Eiffel Tower as well as an interesting interview of you. πŸ™‚


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