I regularly participate in expired domain name auctions. I spend the most time on NameJet, but I also participate in auctions on GoDaddy, SnapNames, and DropCatch.com. If you are interested in learning more about buying expired domain names or about the domain name lifecycle and expiration process, GoDaddy will be hosting a Google Hangout to share more information.
GoDaddy’s Joe Styler is one of the organizers of the Hangout as well as a participant, and I asked him to share what is going to be covered in the Hangout. Here is a list of the topics that they expect to cover:
- What expired domains are.
- Domain lifecycle.
- GoDaddy’s timeline for selling/fulfilling expired domains
- What happens to a domain if no one bids/wins a domain on the expired auctions?
- Using Advanced Search and other auction tools to narrow down the list of domains.
- Basics on finding good names on the expired auctions and some basic research tools.
- GoDaddy Investor APP as a companion to expired auctions.
Joe also told me that “[i]t will be a high level overview focused mainly on new investors. It will be a half hour presentation with time for questions at the end and the hangout will be archived on YouTube afterwards.”
The GoDaddy Hangout is scheduled for Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 10am ET (7am PT). You can sign up in advance on the Hangout page and/or show up at the time of the event. I understand there will be time for questions, but you are also likely to get an answer if you email Joe or ask him on Twitter.
As with all GoDaddy Hangouts, there is no charge to attend the event.
Thanks for writing about this. We hope to get people who want to learn about expired domains to join and get some basics down about the opportunity that exists in that space. We have updated the link to attend to https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c5bp6ht0ovoear6tucmpck4u0p8?gmbpt=true&hl=en from the previous one so if anyone is interested you can either RSVP there or still access it via the link on the old page.