New Charge for Posting Comments

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to implement a small charge for posting comments on my blog. Each comment you post will cost $.05 USD. If you post more than 25 comments per month, the cost will be lowered to $.04 USD/each, and people who post 100 or more comments a month will only be charged $.025 USD/comment. You may also pre-purchase 1,000 comments for just $0.01 USD/each.

In addition, comments that are mean spirited, that question the validity of my article, or those that insult others will be charged double. Similarly, comments that are positive, ass-kissing, or otherwise complementary will be half price. I am the sole judge on the categorization of said comments.

It takes quite a bit of my time to approve and moderate comments, and this is the most fair way to address the situation. The comment charges will be kept accurate via IP address, and payment can be submitted at the end of the month via Paypal. Charge disputes may be addressed directly with me.

Finally, if you haven’t guessed already, I am just kidding around. Hope you’re having a good summer so far. Happy Friday.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. @ Josh

    More money, more problems.

    Thank goodness money problems are not an issue. The point of the last post about money was that I work very hard to make the living I do, and it’s not as easy for most people as it might seem 🙂

  2. “After careful consideration, I’ve decided to implement a small charge for posting comments on my blog. ”

    How timely Elliot as early this morning I decided to charge Bloggers 50 cents for each blog post I read and an additional 10 cents for each comment.

    Since I only owe you 5 cents for making this comment and you owe me 60 cents for reading (50 cents) and commenting (10 cents) on this blog post , please send the balance of 55 cents you owe me to my PayPal address you have on file.

    After PayPal fees of 32 cents, I will have 23 cents available.

    23 cents won’t even buy me a .INFO domains so please blog some more so I can increase my earnings.

    Thank you.

    Much appreciated.


  3. April 1 was three months ago 🙂 but that would be an interesting way to monetize a blog. One has to be creative at times $0.05 is about one click at you know where… Regarding the time to review and approve comments, one solution is to have a static website with no comments. That takes away from reader feedback & interaction but in some cases might be justified.

  4. Funny, I had to click and see.

    While I’m here and comments are still free… What do you think of ?

    It’s a service that you deposit 10 euro via PayPal and you can Flattr creators of content (written, image, code, etc). They have a widget for WordPress blogs.

    As an example of how it works: If you Flattr 2 people in 1 month, your 10 euro is divided between those 2 people. Some content creators are reportedly earning few hundred a month.

    Additionally, publishers get free traffic from posting links to their content.

  5. You had me going for a bit there too, but you do address a serious concern for blog owners – managing comments. It can be a time-consuming process, and of course time is money, whether you or someone else is monitoring the comments.

    Many blogs are cutting off commenting altogether. I am not a fan of this, and prefer to keep them as people’s thoughts are just as important to me as the time I spend writing the posts.


  6. I wonder how many takers you would have if you put a little paypal button next to the box where people put in their website link when commenting.

    If they click the paypal button and make a payment – it would turn their link from “no follow” to “follow” for ranking purposes…

  7. Nice one Elliot,

    While reading the post I was going to post a comment and charge you for having me a post a comment, lol

    see you soon.

  8. I was at a funeral home (I’m not kidding), saw this post, and laughed out loud. I guess it’s my fault for having my iPhone out in the first place, but the “pre-purchase 1,000 comments” part was what did it. Please deduct $.50 USD from my account for ridiculous behavior.

  9. Good one Elliot

    You got me on this one and as I was reading I was like what is Elliot drinking and drop of traffic lol

    Can’t wait see your future april fools joke next year.

  10. @Elliot
    If you do so, I will tell everybody that:
    offers a free space to post articles and comments with no charges [lifetime]
    I’m not kidding 😉

  11. Its time to move, folks, ( peoples comments were interesting, Elliot, not only your “provocations”
    Turn off the light…

  12. Actually, I was going to start charging you a dollar for every comment I make in your blog since my comments are always so damn insightful. 🙂 Actually, now that I think about it, I should charge a dollar to every person who reads my comments in your blog since everything I say is of such immense value. 🙂

    I’m heading to Boston today, Elliot. I will say hello to Lowell for you.

  13. Elliot,
    I “question the validity of your article” (comment doubles the price).

    OTOH, your blog is the best on the net (comment cuts price by half).

    It is a wash.

    Great post. Do you accept crappy domains as partial payment?

    You know there are people that will read this post and start thinking to themselves about how to do this for real.

  14. @ Elliot,

    You would make a fortune. 🙂

    I used your end-user approach to close a deal for two New York-related .com domains. However, the deal took a week, and a lot of persistence on my end to ensure the deal would proceed forward. In using your end-user approach, I actually made a few adjustments to attract interest.

    In addition, I used a few of my own techniques to receive another offer. After closing the deal on Thursday, I used the same approach to receive another offer on a .mobi domain. This .mobi domain is the same exact match of the company.

    Thanks for the motivation and the end-user information. I happened to sell a few domains which some mentioned they would never buy for the cost of registration.


    I’ve been very busy. I will contact you soon. Thanks.

  15. Dang you El,

    I already sent you $3,360 by paypal for all retroactive posts I have made here.

    Consider that payment for the joke that’s coming your way, compliments of me!

    heh heh….

  16. You are now famous… and your secrets of success have been REVEALED!

    You maniac!

    (I want to go on your next hiking trip with you, in fact, you’ll probably be able to sign up a few hundred domainers to come along)

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