
Did Rick Schwartz Hear from CADNA?

A few weeks ago, Rick Scwartz blogged about CADNA on Rick’s Blog. He took a different tact than many and emailed them offering his assistance by joining their cause. As of a few days later, Rick’s email had gone unanswered. Perhaps they were on vacation since the summer was ending? Maybe they weren’t interested in Rick’s overture? I wonder if Rick ever received a response from them…

Recent Posts Was Acquired for $600k in 2022

In 2023, I noticed a company called Macro had announced a big funding round, and it was using for its website. Its brand...

My Portfolio is Now 7.5% Non .com with a 10% Goal

For years, I would almost never touch non .com domain names. Reflecting changes I have noticed across the aftermarket, my viewpoint has been evolving.... Listing Levels Getting Confusing

1 introduced new listing levels for domain names listed for sale on its platform. Each comes with a different marketing opportunities as well as...

Flex – Owning the Singular and Plural Versions of a Domain Name

We are doing some business with a local company that has Northern Lights in its branding. This is not a unique name, as it...

Dynadot Offers “Best Super Bulk Pricing” for all Customers

One benefit of consolidating a portfolio of domain names at a single registrar is receiving better bulk pricing for domain name registration, renewals, and...