The Castello Brothers (Michael and David Castello) of the Castello Cities Internet Network will give the keynote address and host an interactive session at the 2009 Domain Convergence Conference in Toronto, Canada August 13-14.
The Castello Brothers’ keynote address will be The Future of Domaining – Building Your Brand. In addition, they will be hosting a special interactive session where audience members can submit their domain development and monetization ideas and strategies in advance for candid review and feedback during the session. “David and I are looking forward to speaking and sharing ideas with fellow domainers at the 2009 Domain Convergence Conference,” said Michael Castello, CEO of the Castello Cities Internet Network. “Some of the world’s most successful and innovative domainers are in Canada and this year’s Domain Convergence will surely be a vibrant and creative conference.”
The 2009 Domain Convergence Conference is Canada’s premier annual meeting of domain name owners, developers, investors and entrepreneurs. This year it will be held August 13 and 14 at the Radisson Admiral Harbourfront Hotel in Toronto. The Early Bird admission rate of $649 (Canadian) expires on July 25th.
Great addition to the show. I think their ideas, opinions and experience extend well beyond the Geo space and can offer those considering serious development valuable insight.
Thank you Shaun – I completely agree with you here, that their experienc and value goes well beyond the Geo Space 🙂