Nearly every day, I receive emails or Skype messages from domain brokers who have a domain name for sale that might be of interest to me. The reason brokers contact me is because I have let them know what I am looking to buy along with my price range, and if they have something that might be of interest, they get in touch.
There are many ways to buy domain names. I prefer buying them privately, especially when I am able to deal directly with someone who has owned a domain name for a long time. Getting in touch with thousands of prospective sellers is a daunting task, and many brokers are working the same channels I work. Asking brokers to email me saves time for me and can be a good way for a broker to close a deal quickly.
Most brokers know that I like keyword .com domain names such as,,…etc. as well as 3 letter .com domain names and geographic .com domain names. They also know what I typically am willing to spend on a domain name (for instance, that I am not going to spend 6 figures on an investment unless it is exceptional and a surefire home run).
One of the reasons I attend conferences is so that I can meet with domain brokers from around the world. We talk shop and I tell them the types of names I buy and my comfort level on pricing. I know that when they have a name that might be of interest, they are likely to send it to gauge my interest.
In addition to conferences, I also occasionally mention domain names I recently bought. This not only shows that I am actively investing in good domain names, but it also acts as a way to show brokers what types of names I am trying to buy. All it takes is one well priced name and reasonable timing, and a deal can be made.
I am regularly in touch with domain brokers to ask about new inventory. Some brokers are entirely focused on selling to end user buyers with large budgets. Others, as their clients direct, are interested in fair deals that are done quickly. I may not be able to pay as much as an end user buyer in most cases, but I can close deals quickly.
If you are actively buying domain names, it might be a good idea to let various brokers know what types of names you like and your price range. There aren’t always great deals to be had, but it’s good to get a look at what’s on the market.
Dear Brokers, Sellers and Santa,
Please don’t waste my time with your stupid .crappy gtlds. And don’t try to convince me that they have any sort of value since I do not believe that to be true, today, tomorrow or ever in the future of this universe.
All I want for Christmas is a good .com.
Yes, I have been good.
Motion seconded. No gtlds for me either, please.